10 reasons why a Capri electric bike is a good investment

reasons capri electric bike

Is it a good investment to buy a Capri electric bike? The answer is yes. We have therefore drawn up a ten-point list of positive economic consequences of doing so. Do you want to know what they are?

Why invest in a Capri electric bike in 10 reasons why

The Capri bicycle brand enjoys a well-deserved prestige in the market. This firm has been able to combine the aesthetics of traditional bikes with the new electric mobility systems. And it does so with the highest standards of quality, sustainability and durability.

So if you are considering buying an e-bike, their models are of interest to you. The elegant Capri Berlin, the seductive Capri Lyon and the always sophisticated Capri Azur never disappoint. Nor in economic terms: after investing in them, you will amortise the purchase and end up saving money.

1. Go to work cheaply

If you live in a city and work away from home, in less than a year you will have saved more than you spent on an electric Capri. Just swap your car for the electric bike.

Average calculations indicate an approximate fuel consumption of 120 euros per 100 kilometres, compared to 30 cents for this electric alternative.

So you just have to crunch the numbers. Imagine you work 5 kilometres from home and you do the same commute four times a day, because you have a split day. In other words, you commute 100 kilometres a week to and from work: 4 trips x 5 kilometres x 5 working days.

Consequently, if instead of using the car you go by electric bike, you save more than 119 euros per month, in this case. And a well-maintained electric Capri bike won’t last you less than five years. It’s a safe investment!

2. Parking without paying

This is another crucial issue. Have you ever calculated how much you pay for the blue zone per day? What about your community or company garage?

Your electric bike can sleep in the storage room or in a room at home. Even if you decide to have the Asian luxury of leaving it in a garage, the space would be much smaller.

By the way, how about renting out your car for a few years? Since you no longer use it thanks to your e-bike, you would get a good performance out of it.

reasons to buy an electric bicycle

3. Eliminate ant-cost overheads

There are other everyday costs you can avoid with these vehicles. Think about the car insurance -if you decide to do without one-, its maintenance, servicing…

And also on all the errands you didn’t walk to. You no longer need a car or to pay for public transport. The more money you save! In the medium term, your wallet feels it.

4. Spend less as a family

If you have young children, they will ask for mobility solutions. Classes, training sessions, outings, etc. require them to move from one place to another all the time. Public transport cards no longer satisfy them, and so their demands begin. A utility vehicle, a motorbike, a driving licence? Save yourself these expenses!

If you give a Capri electric bike as a gift, the recipient will be thrilled. You will have the autonomy you need, a vehicle of your own to show off and many routes ahead of you. And, when circumstances change, his younger brother will be able to inherit that vehicle. In the meantime, you have saved time and money.

5. Travel austerely

Do financial constraints prevent you from travelling as much as you want? Don’t deprive yourself of some outdoor escapades and adventures. With a Capri bike, a picnic basket and a supermarket shopping you will be able to organise great excursions.

Alone, as a couple, with children or with friends, you don’t need anything more than a destination to enjoy cheap and memorable entertainment.

6. Get out of the house for free

At the price of everything, few can afford to go to the cinema, to the theatre, for drinks, tapas and restaurants on a regular basis. We can avoid these leisure expenses by organising a get-together or party in a nice park. In good weather, it’s a perfect plan.

happiness electric bicycle

7. Reduce medical expenses

Riding a bike is healthy. Firstly, it allows you to spend time in the fresh air, refresh yourself and release tension. It is therefore a good remedy for anxiety and stress. Moreover, even electric bikes require pedalling on certain stretches.

Consequently, wearing them takes you away from sedentary lifestyles and brings you closer to sporting activity. You’ll even get a return on your gym membership, because you won’t be lazy to move!

Buying an e-bike Capri is an investment in health. Remember that when you are well you spend less on medical care and medicines. And, of course, you produce more and more days.

8. Eliminate pollution, noise and dirt

Using these bicycles is an excellent investment, also in sustainability, the future and the environment. At the macroeconomic level, your decision contributes to improving collective existence, coexistence and the planet.

If we all did the same, CO2 emissions would fall, cities would stay cleaner and we would spend less on looking after them. This approach may not bring the juiciest monetary dividends, but it is a fair and supportive investment.

9. Doing business

Marketing studies and market research agree that sustainability is a key value for the younger generation. Thus, electric mobility and your entrepreneurship can inspire new and lucrative businesses.

For example, in rural areas. How about buying several electric Capri bikes and renting them to ride around your beautiful village in empty Spain? What about setting up a fast courier company using these vehicles? Imagine handing over the Spanish cycling bib shorts on an electric bike. The demand for these services will continue to grow!

10. Resell your electric bike

If you buy a Capri e-bike, treat it well and maintain it carefully, it will last for many years. Because it’s such an attractive vehicle, you always have the option of reselling it after a few months – you’ll make a nice profit!

And if you are a media person, an influencer for example, it will be revalued just for having been yours.

Is that clear? Buying a Capri electric bike is a worthwhile medium-term investment. Go for it: browse our website and discover the best selection of Capri bikes on the market.

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